Albums Details

Family - The Roots Project

Released September 19, 2014The Roots Project features a family of 4 musicians from Prince Edward Island, Canada;  Louise Arsenault, and her three children, Angie, Melissa & Jonathan Arsenault, combining their talents in the creation of their first album together.Louise Arsenault: Fiddle, Feet Tapping and Guitar Jonathan Arsenault: Vocals, Guitar and Banjo Melissa Arsenault: Back Vocals and Percussions Angie Arsenault: Vocals, Piano, Percussions and ProgrammingAll songs by The Roots Project Produced by Angie Arsenault Recorded and mixed by Jean-Pascal Comeau Mastered by Jean-Pascal ComeauCover Artwork by Sébastien Malherbe Illustrations by Angie Arsenault Photos by Bernice ArsenaultGuest musicians: Rémi Arsenault on Bass, Pascal Richard on Dobro and Amy Richard on Accordion.

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Apple Music

Shadow Revelations

Released September 6, 2011The self-produced and fan-funded musical project resulted in a mix of dark industrial pop sounds with an emphasis on rhythms, harsh electronic noise and Angie’s strong melodic vocal harmonies. As if recording an album was not enough, in order to push the creative process further, Angie has also produced a 23-minute short film, which features many of her new songs including the title track, Shadow Revelations.All songs written by Angie Arsenault, except: – Lyrics on Aéronotes: Roger Tabra – Lyrics on Lie Soft: Mark PayneProduced and Recorded by Angie Arsenault Mixed and mastered by Jean-Pascal Comeau Artwork by Sébastien Malherbe Photography by Benoit Champagne Make-up by Joanie DarveauExtra vocals on The End Has Come: – Flaurence DesCôteaux – Marie-Chantal Lambert – Thodrekr Krighammer – Sandrine Chassine.Featured on Aéronotes: Roger Tabra

Available On:

Apple Music

Once Upon a Dream

Released February 5, 2009Back in February 2009, Montreal based recording artist, Angie Arsenault, released her long-awaited debut album ‘Once Upon a Dream’, which was completely funded by 531 fans via The semi-concept album (potently soulful, slow-burning pop-rock epics that at times recall a Tori Amos or Amy Lee in their intensity, or perhaps a Coldplay or Radiohead in their breadth) explores internalized dream space as it relates to externalized expression.All songs written by Angie Arsenault. Produced, Recorded and Mixed by Daniel Cinelli. Engineers: Patrick Goyette and Gabriel RondeauPhotography: Artwork: Sébastien Malherbe Photo Shoot Stylist: Chloé Comte Extra Illustrations: Nicolas BourgesAngie Arsenault: Vocals, Piano & Programing Gordon Wood: Drums Jean-François Déry: Bass Catherine Le Saunier: Cello Émilie Rabaraona: Violin Simon Godin: Guitars Chantal Blanchard: Back vocals on track 12

Available On:

Apple Music

The First Set EP

Released February 5, 2007


A Free Four Song Digital EP (2007)


All songs written by Angie Arsenault.
Recorded and Mixed by Daniel Cinelli.


Artwork graphic design: Sébastien Malherbe

Angie Arsenault: Vocals & Piano
Gordon Wood: Drums
Remi Arsenault: Bass
Anne-Marie Cassady: Cello
Simon Godin: Guitars